Anonymous report

Please use this form to make raise an anonymous concern with Ravensbourne University London.

If you would like to be contacted about your complaint or wish to raise your concerns officially then you should do so through our official complaints process.

If you have concerns for the safety or wellbeing of a student then you should raise your concerns through our safeguarding process detailed on our Safeguarding page.

Anonymous reports are read every month so please contact Ravensbourne if you have more immediate concerns.

As this is an anonymous report no record of your complaint will be available for you to review and we will be unable to contact you about this submission.

Are you -
Are you or someone else affected by the issue you are reporting?
What is the nature of your concern or complaint?
Does you concern or complaint relate to harrasment or discrimination based on any of the following?
Does your complaint or concern relate to a particular service or course at the University?